CO point or ce-o point. It is possible that each one says it in a different way so that the listener has a clearer idea of what the domain of your website is. In some cases, the dot CO (or simply .CO) is preceded by a .com, .gov or .edu, among other possibilities. But, in any case, the value of the official termination of the Internet in Colombia is still present as a source of pride among surfers and website owners in the country. At least this is indicated by a recent study by .CO Internet SAS –part of GoDaddy Registry, and responsible for the promotion and operation of the .CO domain–, which collects the opinion and attitudes of Colombian users towards the Internet and its evolution in the weather. The study was supported by a survey conducted by the Centro Nacional de Consultoría (CNC), which was applied to 1,040 people, men and women between 18 and 60 years old, Internet users in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, Pereira, Manizales and Armenia. The study reveals information related to the characterization of the Internet as a right for all, activities related to electronic commerce, security, the protection of children on the Internet and even life as a couple – but not precisely to have information on how it is achieved partner through the Internet, but also how activity on the Internet can affect family relationships–. What are the main online activities carried out by Colombians, and what is their perception of the .CO domain? The study answers these questions and, since it has been carried out since 2016, it also shows the evolution of the online life of users in the country.
Email is still alive and kicking
Regarding the way in which Colombians use the Internet, the rise of instant messaging platforms and social networks would suggest that the use of email is on the decline. The truth is that this is the activity for which the Internet is most used in Colombia. Of course, its use has been reduced compared to measurements of previous years, but it is still ahead of social networks, the second most used function by Colombians, and content exploration or Web browsing, which closes the podium . Please note that a lower number indicates higher Internet usage for related activity.
In fourth place in the table is virtual education, both formal, which moved from colleges and universities to remote environments, and informal, with a wide variety of online courses and training. In this case, it should be noted that virtual education showed a higher rate of use during 2020, as a result of the isolation measures taken to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, but in 2021 it suffered a decrease attributable to the return to face-to-face activities. Searching for a job, shopping online and looking for friends and a partner are the other frequent online activities by Colombians.
A free space, without restrictions
It should be noted that 6 out of 10 people interviewed consider that the Internet should be a free space, without limitations to content and possibilities of expression, a perception that grew between 2020 and 2021 and that is stronger among men and in the group of age between 18 and 31 years. 96% of people also believe that Internet access should be considered a fundamental right, a perception that is echoed by the fact that there is already a bill that seeks this recognition; In the country, the Internet is already an essential public service, at least in theory.
Although the answers have some minor variations between genders, ages and strata of the respondents, it is still striking that the numbers are quite even and consistent, so that there is no activity or general opinion about the Internet that stands out as the preferred one among the older ones and the younger ones, or that is particularly appreciated by men and not so much by women, for example.
.CO domain, a pride for Colombians
The .CO Internet study conducted by the Centro Nacional de Consultoría shows that Colombians are also clear that a new business must have its own website (94%), and consider that these businesses should prefer the use of the .COM.CO domain in the first instance (57%), followed by .CO ( twenty-one %). Regarding the convenience of using .CO, .COM.CO or just .COM domains, the opinions of Colombians are more inclined towards the advantages of .COM.CO, because it is more identified with Colombia, in addition to being related to a commercial activity. Those who favor the .COM domain perceive it as more universal. Finally, those who opt for the .CO, without companions, also believe that it gives more status and they relate it to the most representative companies in the country.
Why do Colombians think it is better to use a .CO or a .COM.CO domain?
The opinion of 9 out of 10 respondents believe that if the one that uses the .CO domain is a company with international recognition, an even greater benefit is perceived for the country. For example, if Google, Facebook or Twitter use the .CO domain, they contribute to the positioning of Colombia. The truth is that 41% of those surveyed recognize that an Internet address that ends as .CO identifies Colombia on the web, although it should be noted that the .CO domain is also used outside of Colombia and that sometimes .CO is also identifies as a domain for commercial sites or for companies, not necessarily related to the country. Now, although the majority of Colombians recognize the importance of businesses having a website, only a third of those surveyed say they know how to do it; 6 out of 10 would put this task in the hands of a professional or an expert agency, while 3 out of 10 – especially young people – would go to online tutorials. 8 out of 10 respondents feel pride when they see or hear of the achievements of Colombia's dominance, a trend that remains stable in all cities, strata, age groups and gender. Among the achievements of the .CO domain, the fact that in the world there are more than 3.3 million sites registered that use this ending, which is also the second most used in Latin America, and its registration has grown 10 times in the country since 2020, a growth higher than that of its competitors. “12 years ago, the ICT Ministry had the vision to make .CO a global domain extension. Now, it is one of the most strategic and exportable digital assets in Colombia, which also allows the country to position itself as a leader in digital technology in the international environment”, says Eduardo Santoyo, general manager of .CO Internet. "The global growth of site registrations with the .CO domain demonstrates its evolution and the great brand value it offers to companies around the world," he adds.
Article taken from
By: Jaime E. Dueñas M.