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Solidarity, resilience and leadership, values ​​that identify Mutualser EPS

Mutualser has managed to evolve and consolidate itself thanks to the trust of more than 8,500 associates from the Montemarian community.

Solidarity, resilience and leadership, values ​​that identify Mutualser EPS
Solidarity, resilience and leadership, values ​​that identify Mutualser EPS | Image taken from

Since 1994, a social initiative was born that would help ensure the needs of vulnerable communities and improve access to health services for the inhabitants of Montes de María, an area hard hit by the country's armed conflict. It was with this social purpose that mutualser began to take shape in this subregion of Bolívar and, inspired by the principle of solidarity, has managed to evolve and consolidate itself thanks to the trust of more than 8,500 associates of the Montemarian community, among whom are peasants, victims of the armed conflict, women and older adults. “We are a collective hope, constituted under the figure of a solidarity organization, the product of a network of more than eight thousand associates united around the philosophy of mutualism, which provides support through our large network of service providers with which day Every day we work to improve their living conditions. This entity was born with a dream: to be able to rebuild the well-being of the Caribbean region,” said Galo Viana, general manager of Mutualser. 28 years of history support the important work of a team committed to the health needs of its members, highlighting solidarity as part of its DNA; resilience when facing social difficulties and major health challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic; and leadership by positioning itself as one of the best EPS in the country, being recognized for five consecutive years as the best EPS in comprehensive management of high-cost illnesses in the subsidized regime and, likewise, by creating an outstanding network of community managers that represents the interests of users and associates. “I am a witness to the difference that mutualser has made in a population that had nothing. In this time they have worked for the most vulnerable, for those voices that no one listened to. I am here today only to witness how they have given development to the population, I am sure that the inequities in the municipalities where they make a difference have been reduced; that people have a better quality of life; that their impact goes far beyond health conditions and the results they have shown”, said the executive director of the Organization for Excellence in Health (OES), Teresa Tono, during an international forum held in Cartagena.

All these actions for the benefit of less favored territories are reflected in the perception and confidence that people have about mutualser, as revealed by a study of the Centro Nacional de Consultoría which shows the global reputation index at 904 points out of 1,000, a score well above the industry average (600 points).

Today, mutualser promotes healthy lifestyle habits and provides a close, simple and straightforward health experience, supporting and promoting initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of its users, associates and collaborators, in tune with the values ​​that the identify. "Our interest is to continue building social capital, helping to overcome the challenges presented by the health status of Colombians," added Amaury Guzmán, president of the Board of Directors. Article taken from

By: Redacción comercial

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