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Opportunities for science, technology and innovation open up in Bogotá

Opportunities for science, technology and innovation open up in Bogotá
Opportunities for science, technology and innovation open up in Bogotá | Image taken from

With the contribution to collective construction and in which actors from academia, civil society organizations, the public and business sectors participated, Probogotá prepared a long-term document, in which it is highlighted that one of the objectives is the construction of an integral link between CteI –Science, Technology and Innovation– and urban-regional development. In the document called "Visión Bogotá Región Inteligente 2051", a long-term planning and prospective exercise is developed that seeks to connect capacities and take advantage of knowledge and collective effort to promote and develop city initiatives, leveraged on innovation, information and technology that improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Bogotá and the region, with criteria of environmental and economic sustainability. María Carolina Castillo, president of Probogotá, assured that "Probogotá Region, structured the Bogotá Intelligent Region Vision by 2051 as a platform that seeks to identify synergies between actors to promote the regional agenda in terms of smart cities and territories and specify strategic projects that materialize it. ”.


The greatest challenges in terms of territorial intelligence do not reside in the application of physical and digital infrastructure to support technological development; The biggest challenges are found in digital appropriation, information governance and the generation of soft skills to make responsible, ethical and effective use of these tools. In the Vision, a series of recommendations are proposed that are oriented not only to improve the connectivity and coverage of digital services in the region, but also to establish institutional structures and public-private governance arrangements to produce the necessary knowledge to manage them and make them useful. in solving regional challenges such as mobility, waste management, bioeconomy, climate resilience, among others. Territorializing science, technology and innovation is essential to build an intelligent territory and oriented towards meeting goals in terms of sustainability, progress and well-being. The objective from the presentation of this Vision is to identify and create networks of actors with common initiatives and agendas useful when formulating strategies and collaborative projects that fulfill a central objective: to turn the region into an intelligent territory. We are at an opportune moment to influence the use of CTeI in the country, with the new government and the next territorial elections and change of local leaders in 2023. The "Vision Bogotá Intelligent Region 2051" generates inputs and recommendations that guide decision-making at the local level (municipal development plans for the region) and regional (master plan for the metropolitan region). The Vision also hopes to influence the concretion of joint institutional agendas for the development of strategic projects that stimulate and potentiate the use of CTeI to solve city-region problems, with a strategic perspective on the regional challenges that local governments must face. , private organizations of the ecosystem of smart cities and territories and the instance defined for the coordination of matters of regional interest.

The business

On the other hand, this week the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce released the Great Entrepreneurship Survey, which makes a 360° x-ray of the business fabric, of those businesses that are consolidated and those that are in the growth stage. This survey, conducted in conjunction with the Centro Nacional de Consultoría and applied to 2,272 businessmen and businesswomen, it is the only measurement in Bogotá and the Region that makes an x-ray of the companies, their owners and those who make decisions, which provides tools that allow guiding the construction of public policy and strategies for strengthening business. The region of Bogotá and Cundinamarca forms the economic and business center of the country. Here are 32% of all companies in Colombia. In 2021, the total number of registered and renewed companies in Bogotá and the 59 municipalities of the jurisdiction of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce in the department of Cundinamarca reached 470,579 companies. This section presents the analysis of the behavior of active, created, renewed and canceled companies and compares them with the three previous years. In each section there are the figures according to the location of the companies, their size, economic sector, location in Bogotá and legal nature.

Economic units

According to the count carried out by DANE, in 2021, 2,548,896 economic units were identified in Colombia. Bogota represents 17.7% of the total counted units. The economic units of the 59 municipalities represent 60.1% of the total of Cundinamarca. Soacha, Fusagasugá, Zipaquirá and Chía are the municipalities in the jurisdiction with the largest number of economic units (50,081 units). In Bogotá there are, on average, 10.4 economic units per block.

11.5% of the economic units in Bogotá were unoccupied during the survey of the economic count carried out by DANE in the first half of 2021.

In Cundinamarca, unoccupied establishments represented 7.7% of the total number of economic units listed. The sectoral distribution of occupied dwellings indicates that for Bogotá there are 399,041 and, for the 59 municipalities, 75,230.

Regional vision

The management of the development of Bogotá and Cundinamarca commits a regional vision and agreements between the city and neighboring municipalities on policies and mechanisms for common issues such as environmental sustainability, mobility and territorial planning, road infrastructure, transport and services, that have a decisive impact on travel times and costs and, consequently, on the sustainability and competitiveness of the territory. 57.5% of occupied economic units carry out commercial activities in Bogotá. In the jurisdiction of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB), 43,145 units of the commerce sector were identified, which represent 57.4% of the total number of occupied units in the 59 municipalities. In Bogotá, the service sector participates with 36.4% of the total and in Cundinamarca with 38.4%. For its part, industry in Bogotá represents 5.8% of the total economic units occupied, while in Cundinamarca it is 3.5%. Bogotá has a higher proportion of mobile posts with 5.7%, while the 59 municipalities have 2.8%. The 59 municipalities have the highest proportion of housing with economic activity with 5.2%, while Bogotá has 2.8%.

The recommendations

1. Promote collective intelligence based on inclusive and incidental participation. 2. Ensure universal access to the Internet as a basic tool for closing gaps and the competitiveness of a territory in the 21st century. 3. Transform education, basing its methods on innovation and company-university-State collaboration. 4. Update the regulatory framework through flexible and adaptive regulation. 5. Consolidate a body that allows the coordination of the formulation and implementation of projects with a focus on innovation and smart territories on a regional scale. 6. Consider a differential and collaborative approach between Bogotá and the region for the formulation of smart city policies, initiatives and projects. 7. The execution of actions of regional interest in terms of smart cities and territories must be supported by information systems that are open, secure and interoperable. 8. Make Bogota and the region an attractive place for investment and the creation of high innovation and technology companies. For the development of these recommendations, the Vision proposes a series of actions organized in intelligent territorial systems in which efforts and capacities are added to give a better response to functional relations in the region: - Regional innovation and development system. - Regional smart mobility system. - Regional waste recovery system. - Regional bioeconomy system. - Regional climate action system.

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By: El Nuevo Siglo


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