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Survey reveals that insecurity is the main problem for Bogotanos, above mobility and high costs

Although the increase in prices, mobility and employment are worrisome aspects, insecurity is what worries more than 60% of Bogotanos.

Encuesta revela que la inseguridad es el principal problema para los bogotanos, por encima de movilidad y altos costos
Survey reveals that insecurity is the main problem for Bogotanos, above mobility and high costs | Image taken from

A public opinion poll conducted by the Centro Nacional de Consultoría (CNC) for Red+ Noticias and La Luciérnaga from Caracol Radio revealed the main concerns of Bogota residents and their criteria regarding different aspects of the city. This is two months after the territorial elections are held to elect the next mayor of the country's capital. The survey, which analyzed the responses of 4,275 residents of Bogotá, showed that, first of all, there are four aspects that concern citizens, insecurity being the most important of them: - Insecurity: 61.2% - Price increase: 15.8% - Mobility: 15% - Employment: 7.9% Among their responses, 58.9% of those who say they are concerned about insecurity are men, while 63.3% are women. 50.3% are Bogotanos between 18 and 24 years of age, 54.2% between 25 and 34 years of age, 65.4% from 35 to 54 years of age, and 68.1% of 55 years of age or older.

The increase in prices concerns both men and women, especially between the ages of 25 and 34, in strata 6 (19.2%) and 3 (14.6%).

On the other hand, mobility worries men more (19%) than women (11.5%)

with ages between 18 and 24 years of age from strata 6, 3 and 2.

Encuesta revela que la inseguridad es el principal problema para los bogotanos, por encima de movilidad y altos costos
Survey reveals that insecurity is the main problem for Bogotanos, above mobility and high costs | Image taken from

Unemployment worries women more (8.8%), particularly, between the ages of 18 and 34, located in strata 1, 2 and 4.

By localities, insecurity is more worrying in:

- Aranda Bridge: 76.1%

- Up: 68.4%

- Bose: 67.3%

- Fontibon: 65.6%

- The Martyrs: 61.9%

Regarding the question of whether in recent months the citizen or one of their relatives was a victim of insecurity or some crime, 63.5 of those surveyed answered yes.

Regarding the question of whether in recent months the citizen or one of their relatives was a victim of insecurity or some crime, 63.5 of those surveyed answered yes, while 36.5% answered no.

Most of those who answered in the affirmative reside in the towns of Ciudad Bolívar (77.8%), Bosa (73.9%), Suba (66.8%), Usme (64.7%), Rafael Uribe Uribe (64.6%).

Finally, when asked if they agree with the Green Corridor for the seventh race, 41.2% of those surveyed answered no, and 58.8% said yes.

Encuesta revela que la inseguridad es el principal problema para los bogotanos, por encima de movilidad y altos costos
Survey reveals that insecurity is the main problem for Bogotanos, above mobility and high costs | Image taken from

Article taken from

By: Laura Carvajal García

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